Category Archives: Agile

Optimizing Software Engineering with the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Designing and building robust, scalable, and efficient systems is a fundamental requirement in software engineering. The AWS Well-Architected Framework is an essential resource that can significantly aid this process. Although it originates from Amazon Web Services, the principles and best practices it outlines are universally applicable. This blog aims to provide an understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, its core focus areas, and its value to software engineering practices, regardless of whether you use AWS services.

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Taming your Microservice & Container Envy

It is hard not to be affected by the constant chatter on Microservices Architecture and Container technology. Both are leading the discussions nowadays and they combine to provide new ways to Architect distributed systems and provide agility in delivering business value. While they do bring in big benefits when implemented successfully, the path to success for most enterprises (other than startups/product/tech firms) is going to be difficult and having a level of measured caution would be good.

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Scrum vs. Traditional Project Management

Recently I signed up for a SCRUM certification class and that got me thinking about my other effort which is to get PMP certified. PMP”ians” can boast that their certification is industry recognized and achieved only after giving a certification exam. SCRUM certified professionals are “certified” after they attend an approved certification class conducted by a Scrum certified trainer. No test required. Continue reading

Agile What !!

One of the things on the hype train is agile development. We have started calling common sense development as agile development. Fair enough. We need to characterize and refer to this type of development model and the word agile fits. I am all in favor of agile development but what most people miss is that the success of an agile project not only depends on the development team embracing agility but also the business users and the client stakeholders doing the same.  Continue reading