Tag Archives: aws

Optimizing Software Engineering with the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Designing and building robust, scalable, and efficient systems is a fundamental requirement in software engineering. The AWS Well-Architected Framework is an essential resource that can significantly aid this process. Although it originates from Amazon Web Services, the principles and best practices it outlines are universally applicable. This blog aims to provide an understanding of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, its core focus areas, and its value to software engineering practices, regardless of whether you use AWS services.

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ChatGPT, BARD – AI to write blogs & entire apps (the future is coming)

So it’s been some time since I wrote a blog. As I was figuring out what my next blog is, how could I ignore ChatGPT, BARD and the AI excitement that it has brought about (or re-awakened among many of us). And then there is GitHub’s Copilot and AWS CodeWhisperer! Code assistants that can make us slightly more efficient developers.

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Setting up your own VPN server for personal use on AWS

I have used (still use) a commercial VPN service (for those few occasions I am outside and need some extra security). But I have always wanted to standup my own VPN server to have a bit more confidence that my activity logs are not being watched (worse sold or hacked) by a 3rd party VPN provider. Punted this for a long time, but found the perfect opportunity to do that today while waiting for some car repairs at an auto service center.

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