Tag Archives: serverless

Mikro’s Serverless Saga: From Microservices to Madness and back

This is part 2 of a humor-inspired take on Monoliths to microservices that I wrote a few years back: https://blogs.justenougharchitecture.com/monos-journey-from-monolith-to-microservices/. If you did not read that, please do so first.

Mikro was serving his consumers as always. He consistently met his promises (SLAs), and his life was good. Suddenly, he felt a stab and excruciating pain. “Damnit, what was that?” he said. To Mikro’s horror, he found himself being sliced and diced into smaller and smaller pieces. “But I thought I was already micro enough!” he wailed as functions were extracted from his very being.

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Say hello to Micronaut inside Kubernetes (with Prometheus & Grafana)

In the age of Serverless & Container architectures, there is once again chatter about Java being too fat (and dying). While I can understand the “too fat” observation, I will not put my money on the “java is dying/dead” chatter. That obituary has been written multiple times and the language lives on. It is true that Java was not born in the Container/Cloud era. Yes, it was born in a different age and time, but the language and framework ecosystem has evolved. In the Microservices cloud-native app world where horizontal scaling and fast startup times are expected, Java may (at times depending on the architecture) not be the fastest horse in town.

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